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Book Review: Eats Shoots and Leaves

Writer: Pavithra PrabhuPavithra Prabhu


Eats Shoots and Leaves Lynne Truss Punctuation book grammar book
Read this and skip to 'Why you should read it?'

What started as a long rant in chapter one, ended as a valuable book filled with history, arguments, revision, and a faint sense of camaraderie.

This book isn't for the faint-hearted; it isn't for you if you feel easily attacked. Lynne Truss, takes a deep dive into the history of punctuation marks. Something we all seem to take lightly as we move more and more into the virtual world of communication.

A Gist

If you have an iota of affection for this under-recognised part of grammar, you would read this book cover to cover. And if you are a literary freak, you would savour the entire book.

The book is divided into the following chapters:

  1. Introduction - The Seventh Sense

  2. The Tractable Apostrophe

  3. That'll Do Comma

  4. Airs and Graces

  5. Cutting a Dash

  6. A Little Used Punctuation Mark

  7. Merely Conventional Signs

Alright, let's get down to business.

Why you should read it?

  1. Learn the basics of punctuation.

  2. Filled with details, details, and more details.

  3. Improve your language skills.

  4. Great book for writers to brush up on the basics.

  5. Write like a pro, even if you are not a writer.

  6. Cut chapters and read any chapter that interests you.

Why you should not read it?

  1. Well, I wouldn't say the book is 'un-put-downable'. It did get boring.

  2. If you are not in love with grammar. Please find something else to read. Read Murakami (explore my reviews of his works).

  3. If this is not your genre, save yourself some time, and don't read it!

Personally, it is a 4-star book for me. I hope you make a wise decision.

Ciao, see you soon.

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  • No, it's not for me.


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